I do the workshop in Amsterdam at 10th of July.

If you are intrested,please come!!

Hisako Kawakami is Japanese photographer, based in Tokyo.
She studied photography at the Tokyo University of the Arts.

During her stay at Deshima AIR Amsterdam she uses a 35 mm analogue camera to make snapshots. She tries to catch the imperfect moment; both for the subject (the person/object photographed) as for the photographer.

For this workshop she will use her Amsterdam photographs as a starting point for ‘re-memories’. She would like to invite the participants to write a story with one of her photographs in mind.
Both the memory of the text and the memory of the picture will melt into a new memory. At the end of the workshop she will combine all the memories and pictures into one book, like a diary.

Picnic Day

I went Maraica’s second house in Noord Amsterdam.

There is very beautiful.In Japan,I can’t be easy to see cow,sheep,chikens.

But there are a lot of them.









AmsterfeenのCOBRA MUSEUMへ


夜はcloud galleryのOP











Nice to meet you.My name is Hisako Kawakami.

I was adopsted in Deshima AIR this year between May to July.

I’m a photographer.I’d like to take a photo of  squatters in the begining.

And I take a photo something,and life.

こんにちは。川上向子です。Deshima AIRを利用して、オランダに3ヶ月滞在することになりましたた。このプログラムを利用するきっかけは、友人がオランダのバレー学校に通っていて、その子がこのプログラムを 教えてくれました。その後、大学在学中の2年前に一度オランダを訪れてすっかり気に入ってしまい、卒業後このプログラムに応募して今に至ります。




Sail Amsterdam

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The last weekend,
I went to the SAIL event with Lies Verdenius and her family and her friend.
I could ride on her son’s ship!
It was a really precious time for me!

The SAIL event started since its first edition in 1975,SAIL Amsterdam has grown to become the largest public event in the Netherlands  and the largest free nautical event in the world Every five years, in excess of 600 ship navigate along the North Sea Canal before mooring in and around the lJhaven in Amsterdam.

I could see many many many ship! It was really interesting!
I like old style Sailboat.
Also many Dutch people came there with own ship.
Everyone enjoyed event!

I thought I’m a really lucky! because this event hold once a five year.

Thank you Lies and very kind her family and friend.
I will never forget this sailing day.

About Kröller Müller Museum

I visited a great place last week.

The Kröller Müller Museum is in the De Hoge Veluwe National Park.

Visitors are free to walk around or borrow one of the white bicycles (free of charge),
I rode on the bicycle, and walked in this beautiful garden with nice views!

In the Museum they have a really nice collection:
Vincent Van Gogh, Piet Mondriaan, Pablo Picasso etc.

The museum has one of Europe’s largest sculpture gardens.
The outdoor gallery covers 25 hectares, in which modern sculptures blend into the natural background.
I liked this area! I went to the around gardens.

I was thinking about this museum, how every generation can enjoy this in a different way.
Even if they aren’t interest in the art, they can enjoy the nature and park all day long.

I saw and looked at good feeling people in this place, I felt the same.

More info about Kröller Müller Museum

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Rembrandt and Japanese Paper

I went the Rembrandt house last week with Hannie van den Bergh (coordinator of Deshima AIR).
Rembrandt house was the exhibition Rembrandt and Japanese Paper Exhibition.

It was the first time,I saw an old style Amsterdam house from the inside.
They restaurated Rembrandt’s living and working place, where he lived for twenty years.
It looks interesting.
I could see old style paint.

Next thing, I saw Japanese paper exhibition.
Rembrandt made use of preferably a Japanese paper.
I was comparing Japanese paper and European paper print.
On the Japanese paper the etches were more soft than European paper.

I like Japanese paper material.
I could understand Rembrandt likes Japanese paper!!


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I visited in the Leiden yesterday.

I could see the Rembrandt birthplace.
I was thinking about his attitude to life.

After that I went to the Sieboldhuis.
Siebold is a very important man to me.

I was impressed about his love for Japan.
This place has a nice collection.

When I was visiting the place,  many Dutch People where there as well .
I was thinking joyful !!



I visited Den Haag with Lies Verdenius yesterday.

I went to the “PANORAMA MESDAG”
I watched wonderful painting.

Mesdag painted seascape,120 metres in circumference and 14 metres high.
I will never forget this place so great!

than I visited real sea in the Den Haag.
nice place!

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Lies Verdenius:

At July 24 we visited The Hague again. I had to pick up my drawing at the Pulchri Studio. A new exhibition was installed, so we could look at this too.

Then we did go to the Panorama Mesdag by bike and also me, I saw for the first time this impressive panorama of Scheveningen at 1880. It is really an experience! As if you are really at the top of a dune, looking around.

We went by car to the real beach at Scheveningen harbour and went into the sand to the sea. Yoshimi is a dreamer: she was standing in the sea for a long time, looking at her feet surrounded by the waves and she made lot of photographs of that.

I wanted to show her the real dunes as well, so we went on to Kijkduin and made a small trip by bike in the dunes.

Real tired we went at last to my aunt again for tea and stories.

We looked at an old book with photographs of her and my dad and uncle at the age of 6 years old, so that was 1921! Yoshimi liked them very much.

My aunt said to me that she enjoyed Yoshimi’s beautiful face so much.

She hopes that we are coming back soon to visit her.

The Dutch Light

Nice to meet you.

This is Yoshimi Miyamoto.I’m a painter from Japan.
I’ll stay here three month.

I’d like to study of the Dutch light because I take part in project.
Please to meet you.


Lies Verdenius:

When I was told about the interest of Yoshimi Miyamoto in the Dutch Light, I thought about the exhibition in The Hague in the Gemeentemuseum “Holland op z’n mooist”

(Holland at her most beautiful side). An exhibition of “De Haagse School” , end of the nineteenths century – Mesdag, Weissenbruch, Mauve, Israëls, Gabriël, Roelofs.

So at July 15 we went together to see that exhibition and spend some hours in the museum. Yoshimi was very interested and took a lot of photographs.

In the museum shop she bought a book for children of the exhibition: the old paintings with new elements like cars and playing children. Not as heavy as the official catalogue and much less expensive!

The artist members of the Pulchri Studio were asked to make works in the mind of Mesdag and we visited that exhibition too. I even bought a small beautiful charcoal drawing of the beach at Scheveningen!

Mesdag was the founder of the Pulchri Studio at designed the new exhibitions rooms behind the old building at the Lange Voorhout with beautiful daylight.

At the end of the day we visited my aunt Wimke of 99 years old, who lives in The Hague nearby Kijkduin. Her whole life she painted in watercolour as an amateur in the dunes behind her house. Yoshimi liked, just like me, the house full of beautiful antique furniture and ceramics and we drank tea out of Japanese cups, a present from her nephew, who visited Japan several times for his work.