How to express surface in 5 millimeters height


March 12, 2020, Rietveld Academy Amsterdam

Focusing on the surface made of plaster, the students explored their own expression. The workshop had a limitation of 5 millimeters height for the plaster model. There was tin casting part at the end of the workshop, after the students molded their plaster models with silicon. The tin casting would be pure metal. It means heavy. And we should think of wearing the work and making works with limited materials.

Plaster has characters that is fragile and difficult to manage, on the other hand, it shows different types of surface like stones, a rock mountain, corals, liquid and so on. It seems like landscape. It was necessary to focus on the change of the surface during and after solidification.

Students picked up some images from natural surface and tried to find their own expression in the plaster model, observing the surface. After making their own mold, the students could develop the mold in their own way. This workshop showed us everyone had a different point to feel something from materials and that there were different ways to express our works, even if it would be limited. 13 students participated in this workshop.

Thanks to Sonja Bäumel, Head of Department Jewellery – Linking Bodies, and Pieter, workshop assistant.


This time I would like to do the workshop making plaster’s model first and molding the plaster with heat resistant silicone. If the silicone can harden (congeal) in short time, students try to pour tin into their own mold directly.

The students made models with plaster, paying attention to the surface. The students made surfaces with chisels, gravers or sharp tools. The next phase was making a mold with silicone, which can endure the temperature about 300℃. It takes over 1 or 2 hours till the silicone mold harden. After it’s completely harden, we rejected moisture of the mold (using hair dryer of something), we tried to pour tin to the silicone mold. That’s why the silicone need the heat resistance. The students could file and sand the tin for finishing.

This workshop was held in collaboration with the department Jewellery – Linking Bodies Rietveld Academy Amsterdam. 

About Hitomi

From the 1st of March till the 31st of March, jewelry designer Hitomi Hashimoto will participate in the Deshima AIR program. She will visit Amsterdam to do research on her work, give a workshop about her way of creation and presenting her work in the City of Silver Schoonhoven. During het stay she wants to exchange her expertise and knowledge about jewelry making with the Dutch community. She also wants to research on her series ‘world map accessories’; about how residents of the Netherlands see their neighboring countries compared to the Japanese perspective.

I am interested in reconsidering the unique character of Japanese arts and crafts and the Dutch perspective on Japanese arts and crafts.

The program will be organized in collaboration with Rietveld Academy Amsterdam, Vakschool Sieraden Schoonhoven, Atelier Passi, Zilvermuseum Schoonhoven, Atelier Dubbelop.

More about Hitomi Hashimoto Website






Workshop Rietveld Academy Amsterdam

How to express surface in 5 millimeters height – Workshop by Hitomi Yashimoto

March 2020

This time I would like to do the workshop making plaster’s model first and molding the plaster with heat resistant silicone. If the silicone can harden (congeal) in short time, students try to pour tin into their own mold directly.

The students made models with plaster, paying attention to the surface. The students made surfaces with chisels, gravers or sharp tools.

The next phase was making a mold with silicone, which can endure the temperature about 300℃. It takes over 1 or 2 hours till the silicone mold harden.

After it’s completely harden, we rejected moisture of the mold (using hair dryer of something), we tried to pour tin to the silicone mold. That’s why the silicone need the heat resistance.

The students could file and sand the tin for finishing.

This workshop was held in collaboration with the department Jewellery – Linking Bodies Rietveld Academy Amsterdam.

From the 1st of March till the 31st of March, jewelry designer Hitomi Hashimoto will participate in the Deshima AIR program. She will visit Amsterdam to do research on her work, give a workshop about her way of creation and presenting her work in the City of Silver Schoonhoven. During het stay she wants to exchange her expertise and knowledge about jewelry making with the Dutch community. She also wants to research on her series ‘world map accessories’; about how residents of the Netherlands see their neighboring countries compared to the Japanese perspective.

I am interested in reconsidering the unique character of Japanese arts and crafts and the Dutch perspective on Japanese arts and crafts.

The program will be organized in collaboration with Rietveld Academy Amsterdam, Vakschool Sieraden Schoonhoven, Atelier Passi, Zilvermuseum Schoonhoven, Atelier Dubbelop.

More about Hitomi Hashimoto






Contemporary Noh Theatre with Toshikazu Marumachi

Toshi and Noh Theatre

From 1st April till 30 April, the Noh theater performer Toshikazu Marumachi will participate in the Deshima AIR program.
Toshikazu Marumachi is a Noh theatre performer from Hiroshima, with a background in traditional Noh-theatre and experiences in contemporary performing arts.

Deshima AIR organized an interesting program for him. He will give an expert workshop at the Sandberg Institute. He will perform with the Genetic Choir and Miyaku Inoue at the Dokzaal, Plantage Doklaan 8 on the 18th April. An he will give a performance at the Japanese Garden in The Hague on Saturday 29th April with Klaas Hekman. So if you’re around, please visit the events and experience some traditional Japanese Noh Theatre with a contemporary touch.

Please check our facebook page for more recent information.

Sanae Hamazaki


Final performance of Deshima AIR participant, Ms. Sanae Hamazaki on 18th December 2014, starting at 20:30 in at Bodylab studio at OT 301.

Final presentation of Deshima AIR participant, Ms. Sanae Hamazaki on December 18th, 2014 from 20:30 at Movement Academy Overtoom 301 Amsterdam. Presentation performance of Sanae Hamazaki. Sanae is a dancer and our youngest Deshima AIR participant to date. Through this exchange Sanae wanted to see and experience dance on a international level. During her 3 months stay in Amsterdam she danced in several events, visited various performances and learned about the contemporary performance scene in Amsterdam. We are happy to invite you to her presentation performance on Thursday the 18th of december, where Sanae will show us her dance followed by an improvisation performance. The Deshima Artist In Residence project is an initiative to promote the cultural exchange between the Netherlands and Japan. Founded in 2013, the Deshima AIR project calls on artists and people with a creative and open mind to submit their projects. Projects which focus specifically on the geographical, cultural, historical or social aspects of Amsterdam are preferred. What can you learn from Dutch society and what can you contribute to Dutch society are main topics. During the Deshima AIR project the participants from Japan will stay in the heart of Amsterdam. For more information about Deshima AIR Date & time: Thursday 18th of December 2014, from 20:30 Place: Movement Academy, Overtoom 301, Amsterdam Website of Deshima AIR Deshima AIR Facebook page Deshima AIR Blog


出島AIRアムステルダム参加者、濱崎早苗さんによる 滞在最終パフォーマンスが2014年12月18日(木)に OT301のBodylab studioにて 開催されます。

「出島AIRアムステルダム」に現在滞在中のアーティスト(ダンサー)、濱崎早苗さん(参加期間:2014年10月1日~12月29日)の滞在最終発表はパフォーマンスという形で開催いたします。2014年12月18日(木)に20時半~21時半まで開催予定です。 濱崎さんは19歳、出島AIR最年少の参加者です。3ヶ月の長い滞在期間に現地のダンサーやヨガを含む様々な身体表現者らと出会い、学び、日本では得られ ないような、多国籍で様々なジャンルの表現者たちと場をともにし、即興表現などの体験をしました。 また、言語でのコミュニケーション能力の強化の機会にと、英語のレッスンも受け、実践的で充実した海外生活を過ごされました。 濱崎さんがアムステルダムでの体験をノビノビと表現するソロ・ショートパフォーマンスと、現地ダンサーの協力で、即興パフォーマンスを行います。若い可能 性の宝庫の濱崎さんがアムスで何を得たか、是非観に来てください! 出島AIRアムステルダム参加者、濱崎早苗さんによる滞在最終パフォーマンス 日時:2014年12月18日(木)20時半スタート 場所: OT301 (Overtoom 301, Amsterdam)の2階(オランダで言う1階)のBodylab studio OT301のウェブサイト 出島AIRのウェブサイト 出島AIRのFacebookページ Deshima AIRブログ

Kunitada Matsuoka

Final performance of Deshima AIR participant, Kunitada Matsuoka, 14th February Muziekschool Amsterdam Noord

During his stay from the 3rd of February till the 27th of February, Kunitada filled his days with a very busy schedule. His main project was conducting the Amsterdam Youth Symphony Orchestra. For this orchestra he composed a piece called Stories that the wind told. This orchestra performed this piece after three rehearsals in a beautiful concert on the 14th of February in the Muziekschool Amsterdam Noord. This piece will be published in the Netherlands by Highland Music ( In the last week of his stay Kunitada also worked with Jazz pianist Oscar Jan Hoogland ( Together with oscar he played jazz and he had a small goodbye performance in café the Pianist in Amsterdam.




I do the workshop in Amsterdam at 10th of July.

If you are intrested,please come!!

Hisako Kawakami is Japanese photographer, based in Tokyo.
She studied photography at the Tokyo University of the Arts.

During her stay at Deshima AIR Amsterdam she uses a 35 mm analogue camera to make snapshots. She tries to catch the imperfect moment; both for the subject (the person/object photographed) as for the photographer.

For this workshop she will use her Amsterdam photographs as a starting point for ‘re-memories’. She would like to invite the participants to write a story with one of her photographs in mind.
Both the memory of the text and the memory of the picture will melt into a new memory. At the end of the workshop she will combine all the memories and pictures into one book, like a diary.

Picnic Day

I went Maraica’s second house in Noord Amsterdam.

There is very beautiful.In Japan,I can’t be easy to see cow,sheep,chikens.

But there are a lot of them.









AmsterfeenのCOBRA MUSEUMへ


夜はcloud galleryのOP











Nice to meet you.My name is Hisako Kawakami.

I was adopsted in Deshima AIR this year between May to July.

I’m a photographer.I’d like to take a photo of  squatters in the begining.

And I take a photo something,and life.

こんにちは。川上向子です。Deshima AIRを利用して、オランダに3ヶ月滞在することになりましたた。このプログラムを利用するきっかけは、友人がオランダのバレー学校に通っていて、その子がこのプログラムを 教えてくれました。その後、大学在学中の2年前に一度オランダを訪れてすっかり気に入ってしまい、卒業後このプログラムに応募して今に至ります。




Sail Amsterdam

DSC_0952 DSC_0905

The last weekend,
I went to the SAIL event with Lies Verdenius and her family and her friend.
I could ride on her son’s ship!
It was a really precious time for me!

The SAIL event started since its first edition in 1975,SAIL Amsterdam has grown to become the largest public event in the Netherlands  and the largest free nautical event in the world Every five years, in excess of 600 ship navigate along the North Sea Canal before mooring in and around the lJhaven in Amsterdam.

I could see many many many ship! It was really interesting!
I like old style Sailboat.
Also many Dutch people came there with own ship.
Everyone enjoyed event!

I thought I’m a really lucky! because this event hold once a five year.

Thank you Lies and very kind her family and friend.
I will never forget this sailing day.